Sunday, December 20, 2009

What Does Matthew G. Saroff Look Like?

Original Courtesy of Quentin Tarantino, with typography by mdaisey
What country are you from?
What, what?
What ain't no country that I ever heard of. They speak English in what?
English, muthahf%$#er, do you speak it?
Then you know that I'm saying!
Describe what Matthew G. Saroff looks like!
Say what again! Say what again! I dare you! I double dare you muthahf%$#er! Say what one more God Damned time!
He's white! He's bald! …… He could stand to lose 40 pounds!
Does he look like a bitch!
(Bang! screaming)

Does … he … look … like … a … bitch!?!?!
Then why are you trying to f%$# him like a bitch David?

Axelrod promises to push for drug re-importation after healthcare reform
By Kevin Bogardus - 12/20/09 09:59 AM ET

A senior White House adviser said Sunday that the Obama administration will push forward on safe re-importation of pharmaceutical drugs after the healthcare reform bill is finished.

As a candidate in 2008, President Barack Obama promised to allow cheaper drugs to be re-imported into the United States from Canada and other countries. He also co-sponsored legislation that would allow re-importation as an Illinois senator. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, a key White House ally in the healthcare reform push, has lobbied heavily against re-importation, though, and would likely not support the final bill if it was included in the package.

Speaking on CNN’s "State of the Union," David Axelrod, Obama’s top political aide, said the White House still favors drug re-importation and wants to move forward on it.
Do I look like an idiot? After fighting tooth and nail to keep drug re-importation out of the healthcare bills, you are going to fight to bring it back, like you promised during the campaign, just like you promised to repeal "Don't Ask Don't Tell", promote marriage equality, and to go after people who broke the law in the Bush administration?

Barack Obama and His Evil Minions are trying to f%$# anyone who wants to improve healthcare, and that means that they are trying to f%$# Matthew G. Saroff, and Matthew G. Saroff don't like to be f%$#ed by anyone except Mrs. Saroff.

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