Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Not Enough Bullets: AIG Again

Remember earlier this year, when, after news of massive bonuses to the executives who bankrupted AIG, they promised to return $45 million in bonuses.

Well, once again, we got punk'd by Wall Street:
When word spread earlier this year that American International Group had paid more than $165 million in retention bonuses at the division that had precipitated the company's downfall, outrage erupted, with employees getting death threats and President Obama urging that every legal avenue be pursued to block the payments.

New York Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo threatened to publicize the recipients' names, prompting executives at AIG Financial Products to hastily agree to return about $45 million in bonuses by the end of the year.

But as the final days of 2009 tick away, a majority of that money remains unpaid. Only about $19 million has been given back, according to a report by the special inspector general for the government's bailout program.
Promises, I guess, are for peasants.

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