Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Stupid, It Burns Us!!!!!

Cute and Blond Only Takes You So Far
It comes from Dana Perino:
We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term.
Jeebus, she is being stupid enough to qualify as Sarah Palin's running mate.

She also did not know what the Cuban Missile Crisis was.

1 comment:

  1. So let me get this straight:  A lone whacko goes postal kills shoots 13 people 9 months into Obama's term, and that's terrorism, but 19 people fly planes into buildings, and kill almost 3000 people 8 months into Bush's term, and that's NOT terrorism.

    That is really really stupid.

    As to the Cuban Missile crisis comment, I heard her say that she did now know what it was on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me.

    She has nothing between the ears byt a gas filled shock absorber.
