Monday, November 23, 2009

The Dan Quayle Theory of Presidential Protection

You know, the one that goes, "If you make Dan Quayle your VP, then no one in their right mind will try to remove you from office for your role selling arms to Iran and diverting the proceeds to the Contras."

Come to think of it, Ronald Reagan had a very similar policy...Thanks a lot, little Mikey Dukkakis.

In any case, I heard a leak that I hope is being motivated by the same dynamic.

I don't know that it is, but I do know that when I heard this, I got that look on my face that my older brother says, "Looks like a cow that just stepped on its own udder."

The leak is that the Obama administration is looking for a potential replacement for Timothy "Eddie Haskell" Geithner have already begun.

Since the criticism of him is that he's too close to the big banks and Wall Street, and too lenient on them as a result, the word on the street is that his replacement will be……

Wait for it………

Wait for it………

Wait for it………

Wait for it………

Wait for it………

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon:
As support for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner wanes on Capitol Hill amid frustration with the Obama administration's handling of the economy, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is emerging as a potential replacement.

Sources tell The Post that a number of policy makers have begun mentioning Dimon as a successor to Geithner, whose standing in Washington has suffered because of the country's high unemployment rate, the weakness of the dollar, the slow pace of the recovery and the government's mounting deficit.
Great googly moogly.

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