Sunday, November 1, 2009


It looks like the H-1B visa cap will not be hit this year, due to low demand for new hires.

I would that now is a good time to contact Congressmen, and tell them that there should be more restrictions, such as increased fees, and possibly a reduced quota, along with stricter enforcement.

Obviously, as an engineer, I am a member of a field where the importation of talent lowers the wages for everyone in the field, so I find the program to be less than salutary overall.


  1. An issue on which we fully agree. Strange, you seem to be pro-immigration until it impacts you. So they can have AIDS but not engineering skills?

  2. You haven't read my stuff.

    I am pretty hard-line on immigration.

    I believe in aggressive enforcement, though I think that going hard after employers and offering bounties for ratting out those employers is more effective than la migra.

    Go see my proposals on immigration.

    I talk about things like asset forfeiture of employers who knowingly hire illegals.

    Seriously, if you want to criticize me, fine, but criticize me on stuff that I say.

  3. but...criticizing you on what you actually say instead of a made-up straw-man caricature is un-Republican! Better to just keep loudly shouting lies until people believe them. It's like the velveteen rabbit--then they become 'real'.

  4. I'm actually a registered democrat but I typically vote third party (wrote in for Ron Paul this last election cycle). I have read most of Matthew's posts (including the excellent insights he provides on the Ares blog) but find his proposals regarding immigration policy (after-the-fact enforcement relying on illegal immigrant denunciation of employers) unrealistic.
