Sunday, November 1, 2009

Elections Make a Difference: AIDS Policy

The wrongheaded and ignorant policy which forbade people who were HIV positive from entering the United States has been ended.


  1. What exactly is wrongheaded and ignorant about excluding aliens who are carriers of a virulent, incurable and terminal disease? Hope you don't mind paying for immigrant AIDS patients under Obamacare.

  2. The regulation prevented anyone with AIDS from entering the country for any reason.

    Tourist, refugee from persecution, attending a conference on AIDS, etc.

    It was remarkably stupid.

  3. What is "remarkably stupid" about prohibiting carriers of a deadly, communicable disease from entering the country? AIDS is a very costly disease to treat and that burden falls largely on the US taxpayer. This decision endangers public health solely to appease the gods of political correctness and the gay lobby.

  4. We do not apply this to any other disease.

    This wass applied because AIDS is viewed as a "Gay" disease, even today.
