Saturday, November 21, 2009

Calls for Timmy to be Fired.

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Congressman Peter DeFasio Calls for "Timmy" Geithner to be fired.

Also coming from right wing 'Phant Kevin Brady
Representative Peter DeFasio (D-OR-4) has now explicitly called for Barack Obama to fire Timothy Geithner, though you will note in the video (top) that he calls him "Timmy" (at about 1:35), which I think is a very deliberate slight.

And, according to The Hill, that removing him, as well as Larry Summers, is now the consensus position for the Congressional Populist Caucus (CPC).

We are also seeing similar calls from the right wingers in the Republican Party too, note the calls made to Geithner's face by Texas whack-doodle Kevin Brady (R-TX-8).

Of note, it appears that Brady's accusation actually got under Geither's skin (bottom video).

When Brady brought up his performance as President of the New York Bank of the Federal Reserve, and suggested that his performance there was sub-par, it's clear that Geithner was irate at this suggestion.

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