Saturday, October 31, 2009

What Atrios Said

As Atrios notes, the idea that some "moderate Democrats" are pushing for, a Bipartisan commission to propose spending cuts and tax hikes, is really, really, Really, REALLY stupid.

First, there are no Republicans on the national level who will support any new taxes, and second, look at the "Democrats" who are supporting this.

According to the article, a "group of 10 senators — nine moderate Democrats and an independent," so and so the article definitively fingers the following people:
  • Senator Evan Bayh
  • Senator Kent Conrad
  • Senator Joe Lieberman (Not explicitly named in the article, but note the quote, it sure as hell ain't Bernie Sanders.)
MY comment, if you are serious about cutting the deficit, place a Tobin Tax on financial transactions, you raise money, reduce the deficit, reduce speculation for its own sake, and punish the banks.

That's a win-win-win-win scenario.


  1. I read those essays. I mean lets face it...they were essays.

    Not a single 'ordinary' person there. I mean for feks sake...a Nobel Laureate!


  2. Posted to the wrong thread, dude.
