Friday, October 16, 2009

Shoot Me, I Agree with Fred Hiatt

With the exception of the Wall Street Journal editorial, I can think of no OP/ED section in the country that contains more ignorance, flat out lies, and sociopathic ideation than that of the Washington Post.

That being said, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and the Post is right when they argue against additional aid to bolster housing prices.

Here is the money quote:
The financial crisis was partly the result of years of government-encouraged over-investment in residential real estate. When will the federal government start working on an exit strategy and a new, more rational housing policy -- one in which individual homeownership occupies a central, but less heavily subsidized, position?
I would note that they were big into Bush's "Ownership Society", which included a lot of government subsidies for home ownership, so it is not unreasonable to think that the reason that they oppose current measures, and supported old measures, is because IOKIYAR* is a way of life for these folks.

*It's OK If You Are a Republican.

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