Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pissing On Antonin Scalia's Grave

PZ Myers notes on his Pharyngula blog that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is an incompetent hypocrite, which is not a tough call.

In this case, it was during arguments in Buono v. Salazar, during which Fat Tony basically said that everyone uses crosses to memorialize the dead, and when the counsel for the ACLU Peter Eliasberg notes that you won't find crosses in Jewish cemeteries, Scalia finds it, "an outrageous conclusion," that people would consider the symbol of Christianity to be....Well .... Christian.

Well, Dr. Meyers has a suggestion, which I endorse with one caveat:
Since Scalia is such an open-minded syncretist, I suggest that when he dies, right after all the partying and celebration, we atheists pass around a hat and get a collection going to erect a huge Muslim crescent over his grave. Not only will it honor the dead man, but it'll let us do double-duty when we all line up to piss on it. Everyone wins!
My only request is that he be buried near enough to Ayn Rand that I do not need 2 beers to "show my respects" to both of them.

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