Thursday, October 29, 2009

If Andrew Cuomo Does Not Announce for NY Governor Soon

Spitzer on Ratigan
Eliot Spitzer should.

Listen to him here. He gets what is going on with Wall Street, and knows exactly what the monster is, and how to slay it.

Andrew Cuomo knows this about Wall Street too, and doesn't have that whole, "Hypocrite Mr. Clean who paid for Blow-jobs from a Skanky New Jersey Prostitute" vibe, so I prefer Cuomo.

Incumbent "accidental" Governor David Paterson, by contrast, has been very much in the pocket of Wall Street, fighting kicking and screaming about anything that could possibly inconvenience the "Masters of the Universe", and the Governor of New York needs to be more than that.

What's more, David Paterson is dead meat on the table, he's polling at Dick Cheney numbers:
Only 15 percent of the 624 voters polled between October 14 and 18 would re-elect Paterson while 72 percent preferred someone else, the poll by Siena College's Research Institute found.

The governor's job performance was rated negative by 79 percent to 19 percent.
The only question is whether he bows out, gets beaten in the primary, or gets beaten in the general.

I think that David Paterson is beginning to get a clue about this, probably because he is having trouble raising funds.

Seriously, and if a Republican takes the state house in 2010, it means that redistricting will remain what it is in New York, and we'll be stuck with an over-representation of Republicans in an overwhelmingly Democratic state.

It's how the 'Phants held the State Senate for 40 years.

Seriously, his numbers are so bad, that Rudolph Giuliani could beat him without running a campaign.

Even more impressively, Rudolph Giuliani could beat him if he did run a campaign, because if there is anything that the 2008 Republican Presidential primaries showed, it was that finding Rudy Giuliani on the campaign trail was a lot like finding a cockroach in your coffee.

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