Thursday, October 29, 2009

Breaking: House Dems Announce Their Bill

Listening on CSPAN.

Pelosi is giving her House leadership is giving their press conference on the steps of the Capitol.

10: 38 am -- Will close "Doughnut Hole" on prescription drugs.

10: 39 am -- Will have public option and end preexisting condition exclusion.

10: 39 am -- No specifics

Other folks:
10: 46 am -- Carole Shea Porter brings out the "Petting Zoo": a medicare recipient from New Hampshire to talk about Doughnut hole.

10: 49 am -- Doughnut hole will be phased out between 2010 through 2019.

10: 52 am -- More "petting zoo" with a small business owner.

James Clyburn:
10: 56 am -- Just introduces Mary Joe Kilroy, who has MS.

10: 52 am -- Changes on caps, pre-existing conditions, etc.

11:03 am -- More petting zoo.

11:11 am -- We're just into soundbites now, bye.

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