Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why to Hate Iceland*

If you have cable, or satellite, or FIOS, you have doubtless seen Whale Wars, a show about the (almost completely lily white) members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society pursuing the Japanese whaling fleet down around Antarctica.

Japan, is, of course a bad guy in all of this, classifying commercial whaling as "research", and bribing countries to join the IWC to overturn the moratorium on commercial whaling.

But, as Needlenose notes, Iceland pulled completely out of the IWC, and is butchering whales as quickly as possible and shipping the meat to Japan.

So, we have two bad players, one is gaming the system, and the other is operating completely outside the law.

Also note that Iceland, which has told the world to go pound sand, is also begging for money from the IMF, World Bank, EU, and pretty much any other acronym with two cents together, which means that they are in a position where world opinion is crucial to them.

So, which one are all the anti-whaling forces going after?

Why, the ones who aren't alabaster white, of course.

In all fairness, the Icelandic catch is limited to about 250, as versus the about 600 for Japan, but I do think that there is a bit of bigotry behind not going after the low hanging fruit.

*Besides Bjork, of course.

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