Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What the Republican Crazy Talk is About

So I'm on the Stellar Parthenon BBS, and Unmutual notes that Representative Trent Franks (R-AZ) is saying that, "The President Is an enemy of humanity."

He muses that this kind of Batsh&% insane simply stupid:
Yep, continue this kind of idiotic rhetoric against the most popularly elected president in recent memory, surely that's going to get you more supporters than reaching across the isle and actually trying to get stuff done.
I think that he is an optimist. This is not stupidity. This is done with a purpose.

The goal here is to get someone with the psychological stability of Lee Harvey Oswald, and the shooting ability of...well...Lee Harvey Oswald (he was a Marine) to whack Obama.

Seriously. There are two group of people speaking for the Republican party: Those who are batsh%$ insane, and want Obama dead, and those who think that his getting killed would be good for them in 2010.

I'm not sure which group scares me more.

Video below:

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