Friday, September 25, 2009

Washington Post Reporters Don't Actually Read the Washington Post

Paul Kane, writing for the Washington Post, notes that Democratic political committees are seeing a major drop in fund raising, but he assigns blame to, "Complacency among their rank-and-file donors and a de facto boycott by many of their wealthiest givers, who have been put off by the party's harsh rhetoric about big business."

It ain't complacency, it's anger and demoralization, because the Democrats in general and Barack Obama in particular, have folded any time the small by historical standards Republican minority has gotten their nose out of joint.

I saw that in the paper today on the front page, and by paper, I mean paper, I have the ink and newsprint sitting by my keyboard.

You know what else I saw in the paper, just today?
Let me make this clear, this is just what is in today's Washington Post.

When you add in:
  • Obama's support of the status quo on gays in the military, the Defense of Marriage Act.
  • Support of Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers and His Evil Minions on the idea that there should be no meaningful accountability for banks or their executives.
  • His phony reforms on the state secrets privilege.
Is it any wonder that people are disinclined to donate money to a Democratic Party fund raising apparatus that he is firmly in control of?

You know, if Barack Obama showed a little bit of guts, members of the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party might be inclined to have his back.

But when you are in Baucus and Conrad's corner, you ain't in ours.

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