Saturday, September 26, 2009

Republican Morality

When you have cancer, beg for charity, quoth Eric Cantor.

The thing is, that Eric Cantor knows how Medicaid works, when he says "apply for Medicaid," what he's really saying, as Yobie Benjamin notes, is, "Sell or auction all your belongings. After you reach a certain poverty threshold, apply for Medicaid, the federal medical insurance for the very poor. If that's not enough apply for indigent services."

That's what his language about "indigency" in the long version means.

Short vid

Full event, exchange starts at about 59:05, and runs for about 7 minutes.

This man is a shanda before the Goyim.

I'm thinking about finding a way to convince him to become a Christian, because I really don't want to share a synagogue, much a religion with him.

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