Monday, September 28, 2009

Is it Time to Leave the Country?

Luckily, I don't have to worry too much about this, if push comes to shove, I can go to Israel immediately, under the law of return.

But a reader of Americablog is asking this question:

When Bush won his second term, I reached deep within for the small bud of hope that remained, and built on that. Throughout the primary and general elections, many of us within the Obama volunteer team felt we’d proven that one person truly can make a difference. Now, after merely 10 months in office, the lack of action on the part of team Obama (DOMA, DADT, etc.), the bizarrely run health care reform effort combined with the subsequent willingness to kill the public option, the Obama administration’s approach to education have led me to a breaking point.

I sense that they don’t uphold any of the progressive ideals for which we fought, or on which he campaigned. That hope he told us to find, to rekindle – he and his administration have killed it more fully than Bush and his cronies ever did. Moving out of this country, where it appears a select few ‘haves’ control the outcome regardless of public opinion, suddenly presents a most palatable option. I’ve asked around, and it turns out that applications for nurse abroad and teach abroad programs are up over 300% in Colorado. That isn’t the least bit surprising to me, and I don’t think it’s economically motivated.

I think that Barack Obama and His Stupid Minions have done everything in their power to avoid making progressive policy, and have done everything in their power to defund and disempower progressives, and as such, much as Bill Clinton did in 1994 with his nail and tongs fight for NAFTA (not healthcare reform), he is demoralizing his base.

2010 will not be pretty, because with his voters dispirited, and the swing voters looking looking at a choice between phony Republicans (Obama) and real ones, will, to Paraphrase Harry S Truman, choose the real Republicans every time.

Read the whole thing.

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