Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I am Now Prepared to Offer Investment Advice

Just watch Jim Cramer's Mad Money, and whatever he says, do the opposite:
Yesterday, market pundit Jim Cramer made a ridiculously awful call on embattled lender CIT (NYSE: CIT). Cramer made a call to buy CIT stock yesterday. Well today it is down 40% on reports a deal with bondholders will wipe out the current common shareholders.

Here is what Cramer said on CIT yesterday.

"Because no one forced CIT into bankruptcy, it can live to play again, and when I read in the New York Post that Paulson owns CIT debt, I realized that he's powerful enough to save this company, particularly because he is one of the investors in IndyMac and knows his way around the bottom of the debt barrel.

These two stocks represent lottery tickets that are no longer rip-ups because they have made it out of the "critical care" stage and are recovering.

I would buy them both."
Google Jim Cramer and Bear Stearns, or just look at these old videos from The Daily Show (also here).

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