Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Most Morally Reprehensible Thing that I Have Heard This Month

As Spencer Ackerman notes in his review of the 2004 CIA inspector general report on torture, amidst all the redacted paragraphs, was this:
The number of detainees in CIA custody is relatively small by comparison with those in U.S. military custody. Nevertheless, the Agency, like the military, has an interest in the disposition of detainees and particular interest in those who, if not kept in isolation, would likely divulge information about the circumstances of their detention.
The translation from the Orwellian, or perhaps translation to the Orwellian, it's kind of hard to determine here in this specific instance of extreme Newspeak, but it comes to this:
We can't release torture victims, nor can we try them, because we tortured them, and they will confirm that they have been tortrued.
Seriously, I think that Eric Arthur Blair is spinning in has grave at the speed of a Hitachi Deskstar 7K2000 hard drive.

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