Monday, August 17, 2009

Talking to God Does Not Make You Crazy

But when you hear him answering back, in complete sentences, and he is saying, "Michelle Bachmann, you should run for President....Well, yes, that is batsh%$ insane.

To be fair, Michelle Bachmann is not claiming that God told her to run for President, though she did say that God told her to run for Congress, she's just saying that she expects God to ask her to run for president.
"The phrase 'paranoid schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur' is not in the aardvark's vocabulary, so, in his mind, he substitutes 'crazy as a panrovian monk' . . . " (Cerebus #5 p 13)
I feel embarrassment sharing a country with her....How do her constituents not go through life with bags over their heads to conceal their identities.

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