Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dick Cheney Is Pathetic

While Madeline Albright did not actually call Dick Cheney "pathetic", she said that his statements about the Department of Justice's investigations of torture "are kind of pathetic".

When we look at Richard Milhaus Bruce Cheney, he is pathetic, he:
  • He went to Yale, and flunked out by reason of alcohol
  • Got busted twice for DWI
  • Convinced Gerald Ford to drop Nelson Rockefeller as VP and replace him with Bob Dole in 1976
  • Ran Ford's losing campaign to Jimmy Carter,
  • Spent 10 years in the Congress, some of it as House whip, and only sponsored a handful of bills (IIRC, about 2).
  • As Secretary of Defense, he instituted the massive expansion of private contractors doing jobs that had previously been done by the DoD.
  • As head of Halliburton, bought Dresser Industries, and the billions of dollars in asbestos liabilities that came with that.
  • Picked himself as Vice President.
  • And then there is his time as Vice President.
This man has been a pathetic failure his entire life. It needs to be understood that whenever he has made a decision, he has been deeply wrong.

He is a sad pathetic old man, and he needs to be treated as such.

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