Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Petition I Approve Of

It's to name the next United States Navy nuclear powered aircraft carrier the USS ENTERPRISE.

Actually, I'm not too set on the name....If they called it the Lexington, Saratoga, Enterprise, Ranger, Hornet, Midway, Coral Sea, or something with some history, but the idea that is being push by whack job Republicans, that it be named after Barry Goldwater, is just plain stupid.

Goldwater served in the USAF, and quite honestly, his claim to fame is having been crushed in a presidential election.

If you are going to name carriers after one term (GHW Bush) and ½ term unelected (Gerald Ford) presidents, you should name this one after LBJ or WJC, but I do not think that we should name warships after anyone.

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