Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Franken Wins, Coleman Concedes

The Minnesota Supreme Court declared that Al Franken won, and Norm Coleman conceded:
Democrat Al Franken won Minnesota’s disputed U.S. Senate seat as a loss at the state Supreme Court prompted Republican Norm Coleman to concede.

“I congratulate Al Franken” on his victory, Coleman said at a news conference outside his home in St. Paul. “Sure I wanted to win,” the Republican said, though he said further litigation would damage the state’s unity.
The fact that Coleman conceded indicates that he's going to run for governor, because it was clear that the RSCC would have continued funding challenges all the way to the Supreme Court.

He knew that if continued the challenge from here, that he would not be able to be elected dog catcher in Minnesota.

But really, it's all about him, Al Franken.

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