Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sotomayor for Scotus

Obama has chosen Sonia Sotomayor to replace David Souter on the Supreme Court.

I don't have enough legal knowledge to know her qualities as a jurist, but from what I've read, notwithstanding some "what about some white guys whining" from TNR, is that she is a first rate legal mind and is qualified for the court.

I have some concerns:
  • I believe that some of the members of the supreme court should come from some other walk of life than federal judge. Until 20-30 years ago, that was the case, with justices being governors (Earl Warren), William O. Douglas (SEC Chairman), Felix Frankfurter (Academic and Solicitor General), Hugo Black (Senator), Robert H. Jackson (Attorney General), Thurgood Marshall (Chief Council of the NAACP), etc.
  • Her age and health. At 54, she is a bit older than Republican nominees, and she is a type I diabetic, which likely shaves a decade off her life expectancy.
I think that getting some non-judges on the court, and getting some younger appointees, would be a very good thing for the Dems.

Additionally, I think that the Ivys are overrepresented on the court, but Barack Obama, Harvard Law, is not likely to be the guy who does this.

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