Thursday, May 28, 2009

Right Wing Priest Uses Schism to Cover Up Embezzlement

Well, now we know what's driving at least some of the Schism in the Episcopal Church over the ordination of gays, some of the right wing priests are taking the money and running:
The conservative Colorado Springs pastor who broke away from the Episcopal Church to form a new Anglican congregation in May 2007 now is accused of stealing $291,000 from Grace Church and St. Stephen's Parish.


When Armstrong left the Episcopal Church, he said the split was over theological differences, such as his opposition to gay marriage and the church's ordination of openly gay clergy.

But Colorado Episcopal Diocese officials countered that they believed Armstrong, who had been Grace's pastor for 20 years, had left to escape reckoning for embezzlement uncovered by diocesan officials. The diocese notified police of its suspicions in May 2007.
I think that we'll find a lot more of this, but I am a bit of a cynic on such things.

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