Saturday, May 23, 2009

Boeing's Looks to Uprated Engine for Super Hornet

As a results of GE's work on the Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology (IHTET) research program, GE has managed to increase the thrust of the F-414 engine by 20%, which would take it from its current 22,000 lbs to about 26,400 lbs of thrust, and Boeing is looking to using this engine as an inducement to sell more of it's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EF-18G Growler on the export market (paid subscription required). (See also here).

Basically, there is a new core, which the US Navy wants to increase durability, and reduces fuel consumption by about 3%, and a new fan, which can be used to increase thrust, and which the navy does not want.

Boeing is offering the 2nd option to other customers, which is a sort of acknowledgement that the "market" finds the F/A-18 E/F (and G) to be a little bit poky compared to the competition.

It might also make SAAB's Gripen NG, my fighter obsession du jour, more attractive, as the increased durability engine would save costs and give it somewhat longer legs, and the 20% increase in thrust, which might require a new inlet, because mass flow increases, would offer a very significant increase in performance.

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