Thursday, April 2, 2009

OK, So Fire Away

In an interview with Katie Couric, Tim Geithner said that firing bank CEOs is an option if they are not properly managing their firms.

Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis is not properly managing his firm.

Even if you ignore the disaster that is Merrill Lynch, the purchase of the toxic waste dump known as Countrywide Mortgage was his doing, and an unmitigated disaster, what's more, he's been calling you, and the whole Obama administration a bunch of C%&$suckers, saying that he will repay the TARP money to be done with you...Only not right now, because BoA is a bit short on folding green at the moment:
In his latest media appearances, including an interview on CNBC, Lewis said that BofA would repay taxpayers for the $45 billion in TARP proceeds his bank received. Eventually. (Lewis also said he ”regrets” having taken that much, saying the bank took more than it needed, describing the total as ”his mistake.” From this vantage, seems like the government’s … but po-tay-to, po-tah-to, right?)

But he quickly added that the economy will have to rebound. And then several quarters will have to pass.
Seriously, it's like that bit in Bull Durham, when Crash is ejected from the game for calling the ump a c%&$sucker.

You call the ump a c%&$sucker, and you are ejected.

Eject Ken Lewis, the self-important, pampered, anti-union, incompetent prima donna from the game, or ask for the full $45 billion back tomorrow, and initiate an investigation of how AIG unwound their swaps at 100%.

Video of interview here.

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