Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Take on Swine Flu

In no particular order:
  • It is H1N1, a variant of the Spanish Influenza.
  • We don't know the numbers from Mexico, only the numbers of those seriously ill, so we don't really have mortality and serious illness percentages from them.
  • The US numbers appear to show that it's not so bad.
    • It may become a pandemic, but if so, think Hong Kong Flu (Influenza A virus subtype H3N2) where the 1968-9 pandemic killed about 33,800 in the us, primarily among the old, very young, and immune compromised, not Spanish Influenza, where ½-¾ million died, and it hit the young and healthy hard through cytokine storms.
Summer flu is not unknown, so don't panic, but do wash your hands.

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