Friday, April 3, 2009

Gay Marriage News

The Iowa Supreme Court rules gay marriage legal, and the Vermont house passed a same-sex marriage bill, though the governor is still talking about vetoing it, because it's a distraction during the economic crisis.

Of course, the only way that it is a distraction is if he vetoes it, but he has to win a Republican primary with lots of bigots voting.

The idea that Vermont, which is highly dependent on tourism, would eschew this, which would give a boost to that industry, is, of course, nuts, but the Governor Jim Douglas is a 'Phant, after all.

The down side to this is that we are going to be spending a lot more on wedding gifts.

But seriously, it stuns me how quickly the forces of reason and hope are beating back the voices of fear and bigotry.

Compared to the black civil rights movement, this is light speed.

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