Thursday, April 23, 2009

Enough Schadenfreude for the Whole Month

I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on here!
Two articles on how the rich investment bankers are so upset about people thinking that they are overpaid scumbags, The Wail of the 1%, about how they all feel unjustly vilified, after creating the financial crisis, and still demanding 7 figure bonuses and 7 figure life styles, and Confessions of a Bailout CEO Wife, whose content is pretty much obvious from the title.

It should be noted that the Gawker has an absolutely devastating summary of the latter article. The final lines of which are prize:
Sounds awful. If only there were some good news too. Oh, what, there is? "The good news is that Americans have short attention spans. Before long, some other group will come along to absorb all the frustration and anger."

Such as: Rich wives.
(emphasis mine)

I'm not an empathic guy, and I don't feel your pain, I just go Nelson Muntz.

With children going hungry, and ordinary folks who actually work for a living having lost their jobs and their medical coverage, the idea that you are wailing about not being as overpaid to mismanage people's money fills me with nothing but contempt.

How about you do some real work, physical labor, even if it's something as simple repaving a road, and then ask yourself: just how onerous is your work, and why do you need to be paid so much to do it?

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