The biggest whopper is Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Montana, saying that using budget reconciliation to pass healthcare or environmental reform though dispite his, ""repeated concerns that doing so would damage bipartisan cooperation in the Senate."
Bipartisan cooperation in the Senate....That's a good one....What? He was serious????? Never mind.
Then we have Grauniad newspaper dropping paper, and going all twitter.
A sample from the archives, "JFK assassin8d @ Dallas, def. heard second gunshot from grassy knoll WTF?"
Google has CADIE: Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity, which includes printable 3-D glasses and a CADIE powered submarine.
Also Gmail Autopilot™ by CADIE. Never have to read email again, CADIE will reply to all your email for you. (I actually want something like this)
Expedia has $99 Flights to Mars.
Qualcomm has new wireless convergence models, like the WolfPigeon, CrocodEagle, and SharkFalcon
Technologizer’s First Forty-Five Fabulous Years!:
Not everybody remembers that Technologizer began as an online service. When we launched in April of 1964, there were only three IBM mainframes in the world powerful enough to receive us, we charged an hourly access fee of $15,000, and our network ran at 300-bpw (bits per week).Opera Face Gestures: 'nuff said.
And Amazon is appealing to the Ron Paul crowd with Floating Amazon Cloud Environment(FACE), "Using the latest in airship technology, we've created a cloud that can come to you."
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