Friday, March 27, 2009

Norm Coleman May Go To Jail

There has now been testimony that Nasser Kazeminy, a close friend of Norm Coleman instructed his CFO to pay $100,000.00 to Coleman's wife's insurance agency for nothing in the way of services.

The money quote is from TPM:
Now the Star-Tribune has obtained a March 19 deposition from the lawsuit that first surfaced the scandal. The deposition is from B.J. Thomas, the chief financial officer of the company that paid out $75,000 to a firm where Laurie Coleman worked as a consultant -- even though he found no evidence of actual work.

Thomas was asked: "In that conversation that you had with Mr. Kazeminy, did he tell you, quote, United States senators don't make sh#$, close quote? Or words to that effect?"

Thomas answered: "Yes, sir."
Kazeminy is boned, unless he roles on Coleman, and Coleman is a rat, so you gotta figure so is Kazeminy.

Pass the popcorn

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