Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I, for One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords

Honda has developed a EEG based controller for its Asimo robot.

It's currently has a, "90% success rate at recognizing and then carrying out four commands," so the capability for "mind reading" is really pretty rudimentary, but it is of interest.

Of course, it is only a matter of time before our robot friends become our robot masters, and this technology is used to monitor and punish us, so it's the end of humanity.

On the bright side, if our new lords and masters look like the bottom picture, it will take some of the sting off the soulless regime which will soon dominate our existence.

Noting that the date has flipped to April 1, let me state that the story is not an April Fools gag, though obviously I am milking the news for laughs.

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