Great googley moogley, please make it stop.
Roland Burris not only thinks that he can win a primary, but that he can win a general, but at this point, I think that Dick Cheney is more likely than he is to win a state wide election in the state of Illinois.
*I mean this in the meaning of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
Less offensive words have been created in the many languages of the galaxy, such as joojooflop, swut and Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish.†Rumor has it that this came from Douglas Adams' experience hitchhiking across Europe. He got where he needed to generally, but not in Belgium, so he had to walk across the whole country.
The use of bad language can have unforseen circumstances. One example is the war between the G'gugvunts and the Vl'hurgs, caused by a casual remark made by Arthur Dent being mistaken as a terrible insult.
Simultaneous Babel Fish translation also means that any being can be rude to any other being without the need for extensive explanations. This has also started many wars.
The reason the Earth has been shunned for so long is also due to a language problem. On Earth, Belgium refers to a small country. Throughout the rest of the galaxy, Belgium is the most unspeakably rude word there is.†
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