Wednesday, January 14, 2009

There is Only One Side Here Acting Like a Thief

And it is not the Russians.

So we have an "agreement" 2 days ago, and Russia puts a little gas into the system, in order to verify that the Ukrainians are not tapping the gas going to Europe, and they get the following:
Ukraine's state energy firm said it could not ship the gas without cutting off several of its own regions.
So, why do I believe that this points a finger at Naftogaz and the Ukrainians?

Because rerouting some of the gas in one direction, and some in another is how these networks are supposed to function.

I would also add that the fact that the Ukrainians are refusing to route the gas to Europe and refusing to allow monitors into dispatching centers and control rooms as agreed to by both sides.

This is not how an honest broker behaves.

Meanwhile, the governments on the EU side of the pipeline are freaking out, and Medvedev has called for an emergency summit on this in 3 days in Moscow.

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