Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Juxtaposition of Electrodes and Genitals Is Not the Best Way to Make Friends

So, the Pentagon is reporting that 61 ex-Guantanamo detainees have engaged in terrorism after being released from our Southern Gulag.

Remember, this is under the auspices of the regime established by Bush and His Evil Minions that worked from guilty before innocent, accepted torture derived information, and used torture routinely on these folks.

So, the ones that they let go? They were not playahs in terrorism, if they were, they would still be locked up.

On the other hand, when you torture people, if they get out, they tend to take it personally:
The Pentagon said on Tuesday that 61 former detainees from its military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, appear to have returned to terrorism since their release from custody.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said 18 former detainees are confirmed and 43 suspected of "returning to the fight."
We will be seeing blowback from what we did to these people for years.

We also know that Guantanamo is only a part of the problem. Bagram probably has 10 times as many people that we are mistreating, and a non zero percentage of them, and their friends and family, and their countrymen and coreligionists, will be outraged and moved to action by this.

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