Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh Crap: Israeli Polling Numbers

Well, with the election in about 19 days now, the effect of the Gaza war is being felt, and the numbers are not good.

They are generally as I expected, with Kadima falling further behind Likud, down 4 seats, and with Labor picking up some ground because Barak's position as defense minister, and I see that Yisrael Beiteinu is up to 16 seats.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? That group of bigots might be the 3rd largest party in the 130 seat Knesset?

I think that Natanyahu would be a disaster, but this is just gone into the Twilight Zone.

About the only bright side are reports of a possible prisoner swap for Gilad Shalid, which might move the election out of the, "Just fracking crazy," category, and possibly even lead to a unity government.

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