Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Economics Update

Well, the FOMC meeting ended, and they relased statement saying that they will stay at zero interest rates for some time.

Additionally, they are looking at, "Unconventional Measures," which appear to include buying longer term Treasuries.

It appears that one of those steps is that they will write down a significant of the mortgage backed securities that they picked up in the Bear and AIG bailouts, a sort of voluntary "cram down".

Europe seems to have stabilized, at least for now, with consumer sentiment steadying.

Meanwhile, mortgage applications fell sharply, as interest rates have risen, from 4.88% at the beginning of the year to 5.22% now, in anticipation of ballooning deficits.

Of course, if reports that Moody's is considering cutting GE's triple-A credit rating, are true, we're in for another big shock.

Both oil and the dollar inched up today.

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