Friday, January 9, 2009

Barack Obama , Bite My Shiny Metal Ass

So, Barack Obama was there to unveil Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine as the new head of the DNC for the press, but Howard Dean, the outgoing head of the DNC, was not invited, "at the request of Obama advisers."

Dean took a lot of heat for his 50 state strategy, with people like James Carville and Rahm Emmanuel lambasting him for things like putting resources into the hands of local Democrats in places like Alaska, where Democrat Mark Begich defeated longtime Republican incumbent Ted Stevens in a tightly contested race this cycle.

We know who was right, and John Aravosis nails it when he says, "There is a real problem when Joe Lieberman is treated better than Howard Dean."

The argument is that he was on travel, but, his his brother Jim notednoted, "If he had been asked to go to that event, he would have been there."

While it's true that Dean was noted by Obama glowing terms in his prepared statements, it was literally in the same sentence as Rahm Emmanuel.

It's entirely true that Obama might not have been aware of what is going on with his staff, most likely Rahmbo, and Dean, but as Harry S Truman said, "The buck stops here."

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