Monday, December 8, 2008

This is Not News, This is Bullsh%$

So now we have the following report on what is going to happen with the current director of the CIA:
But officials are pushing back a little on that issue, suggesting that Hayden has been carrying out the policies backed by Congress and the president before he arrived at Langley, not freelancing on his own. "It's unfair to blame Hayden for things that occurred long before he took the job. But he deserves credit for standing up for the folks over there at CIA, even though a lot of the stuff he has dealt with didn't happen on his watch," said an intelligence official. "Administration policy and American law shape what the CIA does. If the president says he doesn't want something done, that's it. These are his programs," added the official.
(emphasis mine)

Ummm...this is not coming from the Obama people, it's coming from the CIA, and remember that in Michael Hayden's CIA, it's OK to delete evidence and go after your own Inspector General to get him to stop investigating corruption.

So we are supposed to believe a source in the CIA, who does not even say that Obama is considering Hayden....It isn't Michael Hayden talking to this reporter, otherwise, he would have to use the modifier "Senior" before official, but it's someone who Michael Hayden sent out to talk to a one of his pet reporters.

This is Hayden lobbying to keep his job, and it's already quite well known that he wants to keep it, and he just knows a reporter who is willing to report a press release as real news.

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