Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Rumbles Against Kennedy Koronation

Well, it appears that as time goes on, we are beginning to see real push-back against Caroline Kennedy's appointment to the US Senate to replace Hillary Clinton.

Among the concerns:
  • That she is too close to Michael Bloomberg, who was a Republican until recently, and might support him running for a 3rd term as mayor.
  • Governor Patterson feels that his openness to her presenting his case to him has been turned into a steamroller by her people.
  • Moves by Kennedy's people and Bloomberg's people to announce a replacement immediately, even though Patterson has clearly stated that he will not announce an appointment until Clinton resigns to become Secretary of State.
Something to realize here is that whoever Patterson appoints, they are likely to face a spirited challenge in the general, and based on what I've seen so far, Kennedy is a weak campaigner.

Truth be told, a lot of this comes down to Bloomberg, whose strident support for her is not helping with New York Democrats, and the fact that she's really not making herself particularly available which has drawn Palin analogies from her opponents.

Fair or not, in a post Palin world, she needs to do an interview to show that she has a real clue.

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