I first came across this when I found out that he had issued an executive order stripping 5000 employees of the BATF, some of whom are already represented by a union, of their collective bargaining rights.
Think Progress has a list of what he's pushing through now, titled Bush’s Backward Sprint To The Finish, and it's grim: (quoting directly)
- - Cutting medicaid
- - Allowing healthcare workers to refuse “morally objectionable” procedures [meaning allowing anyone to refuse birth control and abortion at any time]
- - Revising rules for international drug trials [more dead foreign babies]
- - Narrowing the definition of combat related disability [meaning that if you get injured when your vehicle crashes because the vehicle in front of you gets blown up, it's no longer "combat related]
- - Allowing states to set premiums and higher co-payments
- - Allowing mining near the Grand Canyon
- - Discounting global warming when assessing species risks
- - Weakening the Endangered Species Act
- - Eliminating review of fishing regulations
- - Allowing more emissions from power plants
- - Opening protected land to energy development
- - Allowing factory farms to self-regulate waste
- - Altering solid waste definition
- - Allowing snowmobiles in Yellowstone
- - Allowing coal companies to dump dirt and rock into streams
- - Allowing guns in national parks
- - Allowing broader law-enforcement monitoring
- - Implementing the REAL ID Act
- - Making it harder to take time off
- - Allowing truckers to work 14 hour days [More dead on the US interstates]
- - Requiring labor unions to file extensive financial reports
- - Making it harder to regulate toxic substances on the job
- - Stripping collective bargaining rights from federal employees
- - Relaxing rules on investment adviser conflicts of interest
- - Moving political appointees to permanent posts
This is someone would not be satisfied until he destroys everything America really stands for.
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