Monday, December 29, 2008

More Pushback on Caroline Kennedy

Basically, her critics are starting to pile on, and it comes down to not voting Democratic party primaries more often than not, her refusal to endorse whichever Dem opposes Bloomberg, not making donations to the party at the state level, her unwillingness to disclose financial data, her unwillingness to talk to the press, and the increasing sense that Governor Patterson is completely unimpressed with her tactics regarding him.

Of course, she has finally done an interview, and it's been pretty widely panned, you know.

In fairness, I think that her statement that, "Have you guys ever thought about writing for, like, a woman’s magazine or something?" was justified. The entire bit with the interviewer asking her, "Could you, for the sake of storytelling, could you tell us a little bit about that moment, like, where you were, what you said to him about your decision, how that played out?" was trivial bullsh%$.

That being said, it pissed off the press, because it was not sufficiently deferential.

She increasingly sounds to me like the second coming of Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, who was the worst political candidate in the history of...well...history.

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