Thursday, November 27, 2008


I understand that the political appointees in the State Department may wish it otherwise, but the rest of the world understands that Bush and His Evil Minions are lame ducks, and they want no part of any of initiatives.

Case in point, the latest IAEA runing on the Syrian nuclear program:
The U.N. atomic agency approved a contested Syrian bid for nuclear aid on Wednesday, overcoming U.S.-led resistance to the project while Damascus is under investigation for covert activity that could lead to atom bombs.

The United States, Canada and Australia mounted last minute objections to a compromise deal on the project but finally joined a consensus in favor since they could not have won if they forced a rare vote by International Atomic Energy Agency governors, diplomats in the closed meeting said.
(emphasis mine)

They matter very little now. On January 20, they do not matter at all.

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