Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bigots Look For Separate Church

In this case, it's the right wing nuts of the Episcopal Church,

When I last heard about this, they had allied themselves to a Nigerian nutcase Bishop who wanted imprison and/or execute gays, in the hope of forming an affiliation with the Nigerian communion.

Now they want to form a parallel church, all because there has been a gay Bishop consecrated hundreds of miles away from them, and they feel the need to hate.

There are differing counts of how many congregations are willing to leave, but all indications are that the number is relatively small, and it will likely will remain small, unless the mainstream Episcopals feel compelled to make nice.

From a pragmatic perspective, making nice would allow the people who are arguing for bigotry to keep buildings and other assets accrued, and there are a lot of people who won't go along with the bigots if it means losing their church and school buildings.

From a moral perspective, people who use their God as an excuse to hate should not be humored.

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