Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why I Didn't Comment on the Race Baiting Fraud

I make no claim to wisdom or prescience, but I had reasons not to discuss this story.
  • I had nothing meaningful to add. I haven't been talking about the assaults and death threats at McCain-Palin rallies either. I put this stuff down to C=MI,* and figure that is just the way things are.
  • To the degree that I have political teeth, I cut them in the UMass SGA Senate, where I served with future actors in the Abramoff and Sciavo matters who were in the College Republicans, which gave me a nose for College Republican bullsh&#, and this reeked of College Republican bullsh&#.

    Thus. when I heard that this was a College Republican, I figured that it was a stunt which did not deserve comment.
  • By the time I heard about it, the note that the "B" was backwards, and likely applied in front of a mirror.

I just don't one of those typewriter font types who need to get a life.

*Conservatism equals Mental Illness.
Interestingly enough, more often than not, we were on the same side in SGA Senate,a Mondale Democrat and College Republicans,against the "US Out of North America" crowd.

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