Friday, October 31, 2008

Mithras is Dead Wrong

The proprietor of Tales of the Reconstruction is making fun of Sarah Palin, after she says something so stupid that you hope someone cuts her meat for her.

I'm cool with that, but then s/he says this, "She's George W. Bush without the intellect. God, I hope this woman is a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination in four years.

No....What's more, F$#@ no. I have occasinally quoted what my my father said in 1968, which was something like, "Those stupid bastards, they've nominated Nixon, there is no way that we can lose now."

Never, EVER wish a bad candidate on the public. They might just win.

On the other hand, you should clikc on the link and read the blog post. Sarah Palin is very, VERY, stupid, and it's fun to laugh at her.

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