Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to Know When a Burocracy is Out of Control

When its budget is growing so fast that auditors cannot keep up..

Case in point, the Pentagon:
Government reports are not known for plain language, much less candor. But in a report issued in March, Pentagon Inspector General Claude M. Kicklighter summed up what had been growing increasingly evident for years: Defense spending has been growing so rapidly that auditors can no longer keep track.

"We currently are not able to provide sufficient audit coverage of [Department of Defense] acquisition programs given the dollars expended by the department," Mr. Kicklighter wrote. "The rapid growth of the DOD budget since FY 2000 leaves the Department increasingly more vulnerable to the fraud, waste and abuse that undermines the department's mission."
And they want to browbeat the next president into increasing their budget even more.

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