OK, my 6 week stint of unemployment, actually.
More accurately, this is about the fact that I started an old/new job.
I returned to work at a medical device manufacturer after an 11 months away.
I literally went back to my old cube, and my old phone was there, along with notes from when I was last there and my old voice mail was still active, complete with a message from January of this year, though I still had to wait a bit for my computer login to be created.
It says less about the ebb and flow of employment there than it does about the quality of my cube.
There is a big honking column in the middle of it, which makes it less than desirable.
It will be nice not to be working military (too much dealing with Generals complaining about the colors of power point slides) and nuclear power (the more know, the less I like industry. Cleaning up when you are done generating power is too damn expensive).
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