Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why My Posting has Been Light Lately

Things are fracked up busy.
  • Desperately trying to learn the ins and outs of feeds, and how to get Google ads on them.
  • Switching from lots of links to Google RSS reader.
  • Lost my job.
  • Dropped my cell phone in the toilet, needed to chase down a replacement.
  • Still working on my 1987 taxes (big refund coming, I am a bloody idiot).
  • Trying to get in some Torah study in while I have the chance.
  • Trying to resuscitate a Minyan in the area.
Still, you learn something new every day. I'm about 8 bucks from my first Adsense check, and according to the Maryland DOL, I have to declare it when I file for unemployment.

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